14th Annual IHS Fish Fry

Advance tickets are now available for the Irving Heritage Society 14th Annual Fish Fry to be held on Friday, April 20 at Heritage Park, 2nd and Main Street from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Past guests have put their “seal of approval” on this delicious meal and fun evening. The event will include a silent auction of cakes as well. Fish fry tickets are $12.50 in advance or $15 at the gate. Tickets for children 3-8 years are $5. Children 2 years and under are free. Advance tickets are available at the Big State Fountain and Grill located at Main Street and Irving Blvd, the Mustang Museum at Williams Square, from Heritage Society board members, or by calling 972-252-3838. This is an event you don’t want to miss! Download the Flyer.
Visitors are always welcomed at Heritage Society events. Call 972-252-3838 for more information on this as well as other upcoming activities.
Photos from previous fish fry and cake auction